Yottabyte (YB) to gigabyte (GB)

Easily convert yottabyte (YB) to gigabyte (GB) with the data storage converter provided by Unitverse.


Enter a number to convert:


Select a source and target unit to start the conversion:

Select source unit
Select target unit

Check out the conversion result below (after completing step 1 and step 2):

Data storage

So what exactly is data storage? Data storage is the term used for the storage of information in a digital manner on computer systems. This includes smartphones, desktops, laptops, servers and many other systems. Data storage units are defined by the International System of Units (SI) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards. The SI standard, often referred to as the decimal system, defines units based on powers of ten (base 10). A megabyte is equal to 10⁶ bytes which equals 1.000.000 bytes. Common unit prefixes used by the SI standard include kilo, mega, giga and tera. The IEC standard, often referred to as the binary system, defines units based on powers of two (base 2). A mebibyte is equal to 2²⁰ bytes which equals 1.048.576 bytes. Common unit prefixes used by the IEC standard include kibi, mebi, gibi and tebi.

Converter statistics

Total units 0
Total combinations 0